What is Far Infrared Ray (FIR)?
Far Infrared Ray is a form of electromagnetic light energy from the sun. It falls within the same family of the Infrared Ray in the light spectrum, but due to its longer wavelengths, FIR cannot be seen by human eyes, just like the ultraviolet rays and X-rays. This energy is absolutely essential for human beings and all living things in the world.
Why is FIR so unique to the Human Body?
FIR has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate and reflect. The human body can absorb FIR because of its deep penetrating ability. When FIR penetrates through skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of the tissues causes bloods vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.
Benefits of FIR Heat
If there was a way to increase bodily energy, lose weight, decrease stress, detoxify the body and purify the skin while elevating the immune system to fight off everything from the common cold, asthma, and bronchitis to serious life threatening illnesses such as cancer, what could that be worth? What if all a person had to do to receive such benefits was relax and sit down for 15 to 30 minutes a day 3 or 4 times a week listening to their choice of music or watching a good movie – now what would that be worth?
- detoxification
- easing joint pain and stiffness
- improving injury healing
- weight management
- improving blood circulation
- cardiovascular conditioning
- relaxation and stress management
- skin care
- immune system enhancing
Further studies into the benefits of FIR health therapy is creating a new avenue of hope for those suffering from life threatening diseases such as cancer, which explains why the majority of the FIR Sauna heat clientele base is affiliated with the medical industry.
Heavy Uric Acid Build Up and Gout may be relieved
It is believed that urea & uric acid can be released more easily and frequently through sweating. It is also believed that only the FIR Sauna can easily, conveniently and efficiently help the human body to release surplus uric acid without producing uric acid (as is the case in exercising), and thus not causing a burden to the liver. It is suggested that when using the FIR Sauna, that one drink a lot of water and eat alkaline food, which will be helpful for those who suffer from having excess uric acid in their system (or gout).
Reduces Body Fat Percentage?
It is suggested that the FIR Sauna may reduce body fat percentage and thus improve the flowing of body fluid. This can act as a catalyst to release wastes, toxins and acid materials. We believe “Seeing is Believing.” So we suggest you measure and record your body fat percentage before going into the FIR Sauna. Then compare these measurements with those recorded after using the FIR Sauna. Many report that there is an incredible change of having a greatly decreased percentage of body fat.
Read the following carefully before starting an Infrared Sauna session
What You Need To Know
Please remember that infrared heat is simply radiant energy in the form of a band of light that radiates heat penetrating the skin to a depth of 1½ inches or more. This radiant heat is efficient because it warms the body internally, not the air. To regulate the temperature of the infrared sauna during use, open the door for cooling.
- For optimal results, refrain from using the sauna on a full stomach.
- It is important to remain hydrated. For best results, drink water prior, during and after your sauna session.
- Do not apply excess body lotion to your body prior to a sauna session.
Use of towels
- Lay on one folded towel for perspiration absorption and cushioning
- use a second towel to wipe off your body surface sweat
- At the first sign of a cold or flu, increasing sauna sessions may be beneficial in boosting the immune system and decreasing the reproductive rate of viruses and bacteria.
- As your body becomes more heat conditioned, you may want to have the sauna session increased to 25 minutes or longer. Please remember to hydrate your system with plenty of water during the full session.
Note: Many people with heavy metal, chemical or pesticide toxicity levels may find it difficult to sweat initially, for some individuals it may require 5-10 sessions before measurable sweat volume is evident, but continuous water intake will enhance detoxification. Even without measurable sweat, the infrared sauna is helping to eliminate toxins through urine, bowels and hair.
Important: Contraindications for Infrared Sauna Therapy
In the interest of your health and safety, if you are affected by any of the following conditions, you will be required obtain a referral letter from your primary health care practitioner (ie. MD or ND) prior to commencing your Infrared Sauna sessions. Please ask us for a referral form to take to your doctor. Your doctor may call the clinic if he/she has any questions.
Current Medical History:
- Pregnant or lactating
- Dehydration
- Recent (acute, within 48 hours) joint injury, chronically hot and swollen joints, enclosed infections (either dental, in joints or any other tissue).
- Multiple sclerosis
- Heat illness (heat cramp/exhaustion/stroke)
- Medication with a narrow therapeutic index, out of which is life threatening
- Unstable hypertension
- Severe hypotension
- Hemophilia and/or a predisposition to hemorrhage
- Superficial metallic implants (ie. metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implant due to the reflection of infrared rays by these articles
Currently have:
- Diabetes
- also use insulin subcutaneous injections
- Neuropathy
- Acute or chronic edema or lymphedema (swelling of the wrists, ankles, etc.)
- Cholinergic urticaria, acantholytic dermatosis, malaria, severe burns/scarring/heat rash
- Am attempting to conceive (male or female)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Take street/recreational drugs (please circle either past or present) [eg. amphetamines, heroin, cocaine]
- Take medications which may predispose me to heat illnesses when exposed to heat [eg. sympathomimetics, anticholinergics, tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, phenothiazines]
- Take medication that may reduce perspiration ability [eg. diuretics, barbiturates, ß-blockers)
Infrared Versus Conventional Saunas
Infrared saunas are ideal in their design as they operate at safer, lower temperatures compared to conventional steam-based saunas. This feature makes breathing more comfortable and is considered safer, thus making infrared sauna therapy a better alternative for a greater variety of individuals. Although an infrared sauna operates at only 110 F to 130 F, compared to a conventional sauna which operates at 180 F to 210 F, radiant heat from an infrared sauna helps the body produce two to three times more sweat
These crucial differences help to explain why the health benefits available through infrared therapy are not attainable throughout the use of a conventional sauna.
Radiant heat is also very therapeutic for your overall well being. It helps to support your body’s natural ‘defense’ system to easily ward off harmful contaminates. An infrared based system can warm your body to a much greater degree and much more efficient manner than a conventional sauna, as its energy output is primarily used to convert energy directly to heat inside the body and not to create excessively hot air which then only superficially heats the skin. This radiant heat is absorbed by your body to a depth of over 1.5 inches below the skin.
What to Bring to Your Infrared Sauna Session
You need to bring the following items to each of your infrared sauna sessions in order to make it a safe and enjoyable experience:
- A tank top and shorts you would be comfortable sweating in
- Alternatively we can provide a medical gown that you can use
- Your own music or meditation audio players, with earphones, should you opt for something different then our relaxing spa music
- We will provide a towel and an aromatherapy wash cloth for after your sauna session is complete
- You will also be provided with an electrolyte drink upon your completion